Feng Shui Consultations:

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the study of the environment and how it affects people. It is not a belief, system, religion, superstition, or magic. And... it has nothing to do with changing your luck and everything to do with helping you to create an empowering and nourishing space that promotes feelings of vitality, prosperity, happiness, and well-being. This ancient system believes that every person, place, and thing in our physical world is alive, interconnected, and always changing. Thus, it observes the relationship between the seen and unseen forces of nature. The unseen force in the form of your desires, goals, talents, attitudes, and feelings is constantly interacting with the seen force, your environment you live and work in. You are either uplifted or depleted by every interaction...

You can benefit from Feng Shui service if:

- Your space is cluttered and you keep looking the other way because it feels daunting

- You are feeling a lack of focus, and clarity and a lack of movement in your Life and You are not sure why

- You feel that obstacles and blocks are standing in the way of building a stable and flourishing life

- Your finances, love, health, and/ or family life are not flowing

-  You want a magnetic environment that supports, nourishes, and empowers You

Boulder and Denver Metro area residents and businesses can secure personal feng shui consultations with me, which include a comprehensive property walk-through, floor plan, element analysis, and an education in feng shui basics. My task is to design your environment to reflect your ideal state of consciousness, and open the pathways to create your "Heaven on Earth", to be your constant source of inspiration and rejuvenation. In addition, you can hire me to have hands-on involvement in decluttering, designing and creating your space.

Feng Shui Consultations start at $380 and these depend on the square footage of the project and the time involvement. Please call or email to discuss your project in greater detail.